COLLEY, Clayton James

COLLEY, Clayton James -

Sadly passed away in Mildura on Sunday October 25, 2020 aged 42 years. Beloved son of Mary and Peter. Loved brother, uncle and friend who will be missed by all.

A private service will be held.

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  • Jai Cafarella

    To Clayton,

    Although it’s been around 20-ish years since I last saw you, finding out only today that you passed away absolutely gutted me. We were close through our fundamental transition from children into teens as we discovered music, learned guitar, played video games, watched action movies, did sleepovers, etc etc. You’ve never been far from my thoughts and memories, rarely a week going by without some reminder of something that traces back to our friendship.

    We unfortunately lost contact before the whole social media explosion, but I did search for you online quite a few times over the years, hoping to reconnect, sadly never finding anything. Hindsight, in its typical cruelty, has me wishing now that I tried harder then.

    To Mary and Peter, I have no idea if you’ll see this, but you’re also part of my fond memories with Clayton, welcoming me into your home always. I can only imagine how tough this has been for you. My honest condolences to you and your family. If you feel any desire in contacting with me, I would more than welcome it (searching my name on Facebook is probably easiest), but naturally, I completely understand if not.

    Rest in peace, Clayton. Thank you for our friendship.

  • pauline platt

    To your dear mum Mary. my heart aches for you…..please make contact if you would like to talk as i would like to talk to you. Bless you..

  • Kristy

    Rest in Peace Clayton. It has been about 25 years but I remember you as such a very kind person and talented guitarist. Deepest condolences to your family and friends.

  • Jullie & Grant Doxey

    Rest in peace.

  • Robert Doxey

    Rest In Peace Clayton. You will be missed by all.