BENNETT, William 'Bill' Raymond

Passed away peacefully at Mildura Base Public Hospital on Thursday December 1, 2022 aged 86 years. Beloved husband of Margaret. Loved father and father-in-law of Malcolm; Sally and Bill; Stephen and Sally. Much loved Grandpa and Papa of Cameron, Mitchell, Emily and Lucy.

Family and friends of the late Mr. Bill Bennett are respectfully informed that his Funeral Service will be conducted at the Uniting Church, Commercial Street, Merbein on Friday December 9, 2022 at 10.00am. At the conclusion of the service the cortege will proceed to the Merbein Cemetery, Wentworth Road, Merbein.

If preferred in lieu of flowers, donations to Cancer Council would be appreciated and may be left at the service. Envelopes provided.

To view Bill's Funeral Service please click on the below link and use passcode Bennett:


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  • Shona Pantazopoulos

    Dear Aunty Margaret and family we send our condolences and love to you all at this sad time.
    Love Shona John and gilrs, Andrew and Peter