TRAEGER, Beryl Eileen (nee Harris)

Passed away peacefully at Murray House, Wentworth on Tuesday November 15, 2022 aged 95 years. Beloved wife of Bob (dec). Loved by her children, grandchildren.

Family and friends of the late Mrs. Beryl Traeger are respectfully informed that her Graveside Funeral Service will be conducted at the Wentworth Lawn Cemetery, Wentworth on Tuesday November 22, 2022, at 2.30pm.

TRAEGER, Beryl Eileen (nee Harris) - 2022-11-22 2.30

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  • Brenda Holloway

    To Robert, Dennis, Malcolm and the Traegar family, thinking of you all at this sad time. 💐 With love from Aunty Joan Holloway and cousin Brenda.

  • Michael, Kym & Lincoln Sharrock

    To Robert, Dennis and Malcolm and your extended families. Deepest condolences to you all on the passing of your beloved mum Beryl. We are thinking of you all in this sad time and take comfort in knowing that Aunt Beryl and Uncle Bob are reunited again.
    Love and best wishes for Michael and Kym Sharrock and families. XXX